The Eagle Has Landed

We did it!! Thanks to all of you, the Cosmic Mug Kickstarter surpassed our $25,000 goal! I’m PSYCHED to get all of these pots to you for the Holidays. People like you make this type of art possible. Rory, the pottery cat, is eternally thankful.

Image 20, my cat Rory on the kiln

I’m working around the clock to get all of your pottery ready for shipment December 11th. If you’re a backer, be sure to watch your email closely, as I’ll be using email to collect shipping addresses. If you’re still interested in a $49 Cosmic Mug or a $69 Cosmic Mug + Set of 4 Shot Cups before Christmas, follow this link to snag one before the sell out:

Cosmic Mug Kickstarter

Cosmic Mug Galaxy Colission pouring out of mug

“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.” 

– Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 Moon landing, signifying to Mission Control that the landing was complete and successful. July 20, 1969.

Photo of Buzz Aldrin captured by Neil Armstrong on the Moon